Scabimite Permethrin Cream - Reticaree
Other price_$21.00
Scabimite Permethrin Cream

Scabimite Permethrin Cream

Other price_$21.00
Short Description:
Scabimite Permethrin Cream

Product Description

Scabimite Permethtin 5% - 30grams

Scabimite is a topical medicine (applied to the skin) which contains permethrin active ingredients to cure scabies (scabies), gudik, or scabies. This disease is caused by a small insect called Scarcoptes scabiei or better known as mites. Mites will attack and irritate the skin, severe itching and getting into the night are the main characteristics of scabies.
Scabimite Medication Overview :
  • Type : Pyrethroid 
  • Content : Permethrin
  • Use of treating scabies (scabies)
  • Prescription Medication Category
  • Adult and Chid

The workings of scabimite rely on permethrin as the main ingredient to overcome mites in the skin. This substance acts on the mite nerve cell membrane to disrupt the sodium channel where membrane polarization is regulated. The slowing down of polarization causes the mites to become paralyzed and eventually die.

The main indication of this disease is to overcome scabies or scabies, used topically on the skin that experiences irritation and itching due to mite attacks. This drug can also be used to treat head lice.

Not everyone may use this drug, patients who are known to have a history of hypersensitivity or allergies to permethrin and pyrethroid or pyrethrin drugs should not use this drug.

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